Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series Attack on Titan. Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human devouring Titans. Try your hand in operating the omni-directional mobility gear, maneuvering and flying through the sky to counter the Titans, and feel the thrill and satisfaction of battling giant opponents.
Switch PC PS4 Vita XONEGenres
Hack and slash/Beat 'em upThemes
Action HorrorLanguages: Spanish (Mexico) and 8 more
Interface | Audio | Subtitles | |
Spanish (Mexico) | |||
French | |||
Italian | |||
Japanese | |||
German | |||
English | |||
Spanish (Spain) | |||
Korean | |||
Chinese (Traditional) |
Critic Reviews
By Dan Rizzo
With the huge success the Anime and Manga franchise has garnered, AOT2 falls perfectly into place within this universe. As a fan of the Anime, I can definitely say that I am completely satisfied with this game, and assure fans alike that the title will deliver you an unexpected experience that will gratify you for hours on end.
- 19 Jul, 2019
By fofo808
Attack on Titan 2 is the very definition of "one step forward, two steps back". While the gameplay is massively improved over the first and the soundtrack is mildly enjoyable, the awkward retelling of the first game's story mode with the very little new content leaves a lot to be desired. The character roster is every fan's dream, though you're honestly better off just playing the first game which does them much more justice.
- 09 Jun, 2018
By Gabriel Jones
Hopefully, the next game shakes up the formula even more but, until then, this one is a very fun and rewarding ride.
- 14 May, 2018
By Thomas Truong
More of the same, but not necessarily a bad thing.
- 02 May, 2018
By Joan Vidal
Attack on Titan 2 surpasses its predecessor in everything. It is a real gift for fans of anime and action games. One of a kind.
- 01 May, 2018