The next installment in the critically acclaimed “State of Decay” franchise immerses you in an all-new, multiplayer zombie survival fantasy. Build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world that remembers the choices you make.
Role-playing (RPG) SimulatorThemes
Action Horror Open world SurvivalLanguages: English and 7 more
Interface | Audio | Subtitles | |
English | |||
French | |||
Italian | |||
German | |||
Portuguese (Brazil) | |||
Russian | |||
Chinese (Simplified) | |||
Spanish (Mexico) |
Critic Reviews
By Joseph Pugh
Minor complaints aside, State of Decay 2 is still one of the very best survival games I’ve played. Update 33 further entombs its legacy with an excellent revamped Plague Heart system. Open World games could learn a lot from its dynamic world. Each trek is fraught with danger rather than an exercise in holding down the left thumbstick until you arrive. It has a bit of a cult following, but State of Decay 2 is still a highly underrated game. It is worth another look thanks to years of ongoing updates and improvements.
- 23 May, 2023
By Jase Taylor
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition may be a repetitive game, but it boasts numerous improvements over its original release, even if it still has a bug or two.
- 06 Sep, 2022
By Austin Nelson
State of Decay 2 is a legitimately great game. The zombie apocalypse genre is oversaturated at this point, but State of Decay is able to find its own lane and provide genuinely unique and interesting mechanics that very few other games can pull off. The game as it stands today has seen a massive improvement over what launched in 2018, and Undead Labs should be proud of how the game has evolved.
- 19 Mar, 2021
By Daniel Rodrigues-Martin
State of Decay 2 is a huge improvement over its 2013 predecessor.
- 18 Sep, 2020
By Paolo Sirio
State of Decay 2: Heartland is a good story-driven DLC, although a bit unbalanced and nothing really new
- 24 Jun, 2019