Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the first installment of the Xenoverse series and the Dragon Ball game developed by Dimps. It is the first fighting game to feature full 3D battles similar to the Budokai Tenkaichi series. Fighters can traverse the levels free-roaming in large spaces and can fight on ground, in the air and underwater. The game features spoken dialogue from a majority of main characters while in battle, and characters show facial expressions when they strike an opponent or take damage. Although limited, the players have some freedom to explore the planet Earth as it exists in the Dragon Ball universe along with a handful of other locations.
About the story
Xenoverse features an entirely original story starring the player's custom character. The story itself borrows elements from the Dragon Ball Online MMO, which sees returning villains Towa and Mira manipulating the history of the Dragon Ball universe. Time Patrol Trunks asks Shenron to send him a hero who would help him restore the timeline.
PC PS3 PS4 X360 XONEGenres
Fighting Role-playing (RPG)Themes
ActionLanguages: English and 8 more
Interface | Audio | Subtitles | |
English | |||
French | |||
Italian | |||
German | |||
Spanish (Spain) | |||
Polish | |||
Russian | |||
Japanese | |||
Portuguese (Brazil) |
Critic Reviews
By Michael Elliott
Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a game for fans of the show, fighting games and MMOs alike. Although some elements are technologically challenged or more or less average, this game is enjoyable. With fleshed out leveling, combat and skill systems, Dragon Ball Xenoverse can keep you engaged for months to come.
- 17 Mar, 2016
By Jordan Micheal
Dragon ball Xenoverse has some good qualities but the gameplay is awful
- 26 Feb, 2016
By John Graham
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is probably one of the most impressive Dragon Ball games released so far. With all the game content available, this isn't something that is going to be finished in a day. If interested in the anime series or fighting games in general, this is a good choice for a collection.
- 03 Apr, 2015
By Bryan Calhoun
..fans of the Dragon Ball Z franchise will not know what to expect from a twist and turned filled time travel story that will rearrange all of their favorite characters until those fans can put them back in order again.
- 29 Mar, 2015
By Craig Langridge
All that said, Xenoverse is a compelling game. I'm not a huge Dragonball fan, it wasn't a part of my childhood like it was for many but I still kept playing well past the end credits. The story is cheesy, the gameplay is dumbed down from its forebears, and the RNG is frustrating at the best of times but it still hooks you with its catchy opening video and pumped theme song. A curious combination of fighter, brawler, RPG and dice throws if ever there was one but one that has definitely sparked an interest in the brand behind the game.
- 19 Mar, 2015