Conquer Your Gaming Backlog

Discover, organize, and play the games you've been meaning to finish. Your adventure awaits—no more unfinished quests!.
Prioritize Your Play

Focus on what matters most

Use intelligent sorting and filtering options to prioritize which games to tackle next.
Completion time estimates
"Quick Wins" feature to finish shorter games first
Personalized game recommendations
Time Completion Example

Frequently asked questions

What is a backlog game?

A backlog game refers to any game that you've purchased or own but haven't finished (or even started) yet. Our app helps you manage these unfinished games, organize them, and motivate you to complete them.

Can I manually add games to my backlog

Yes, you can manually add games. Whether it’s an older game or one from a different platform, you can easily add it and manage it like the rest of your collection.

How do I prioritize which game to play next?

The app offers recommendations based on game length and genre. You can also use the “Quick Wins” feature to find shorter games you can finish first.

Is the app free to use?

The app offers a free version with core features available to all users.

Ready to Tackle Your Backlog?

Join thousands of gamers conquering their unfinished games. Sign up now and start your journey to game completion!